悟空K2025液相色谱仪网络研讨会 WOOKING HPLC K2025 INTRODUCTION WEBINAR--FREE!!! 免费网络研讨会 悟空仪器 K2025 液相色谱仪 Free Webinar Wooking Instruments K2025 HPLC Introduction 时间:2022年5月11日星期三16:00-18:00 GMT: 8:00-10:00,11 May, Wednesday,2022 你对HPLC感兴趣吗? 现在有一个这样做的机会。 点击下面按钮注册参加悟空 K2025 HPLC 网络研讨会,向工程师学习并更好地了解我们的 K2025液相色谱仪。 Are you someone who's an aspiring HPLC to up your game? Here's a chance to do so. Be a part of WOOKING K2025 HPLC webinar to learn from the experts and get better at our K2025. Register Now 主持人: Hosted by: 赵子搴 Zhao Ziqian 赵子搴是悟空仪器经验丰富的高效液相色谱产品专家,在高效液相色谱的安装和营销方面有着多年的经验。 Zhao is an experienced HPLC product specialist at WOOKING with many years of experience in HPLC installation and marketing. 如果您没有时间参加,我们会后会把录音发给您邮箱 Can't attend? You should still register. We will send the recorded version of the webinar to you. Follow Us On